Get Hired - TIP #2 - "No Limits"

Do not limit yourself to online applications during your job search.

Do you want that job search to last and last? Well, then continue to rely solely on submitting online applications. Do you want to accelerate this bad boy? Do not stop once you apply online for that position. Start finding and then endearing yourself to people working at that company of interest. Schedule informational interviews with would-be peers. Approach an internal recruiter and ask a few questions. Get on the radar of the very people who might influence you to get an interview.


By lining up with people on the inside of the companies at which you want to work, you will instantly set yourself apart. Decision-makers interview people who come recommended or by way of a personal referral before they start sorting through the blob of resumes that arrives by way of the Application Tracking System or ATS.

Legs Brands

We’re Legs! A purpose-driven branding agency.

Get Hired - Tip #1 - "The Obvious Fit"


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